Brought to you by the Dairy Farm Families of Georgia
Georgia Mobile Dairy Classroom

Thank you for your interest and flexibility as we all work together to navigate through this unprecedented time. Our program values your staff, students and administration. We will do our best to provide an experience that is educational and safe. If you have additional questions on our safety protocol, please feel free to contact us at accmclassroom@gmail.com.
Our program is best suited for the outdoors. Each school will be responsible for the seating and distancing of students and the number of students/staff viewing each presentation. We are willing to adjust our schedule to fit the safety protocols for each school. Please share your protocol with our instructor before his/her arrival. Please note that our program will not distribute promotional or educational items during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Georgia’s Mobile Dairy Classroom will ensure that the proper measures are taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during visits at schools, fairs and promotional events. We are committed that:
Employees are aware that by virtue of arriving on a school campus, they acknowledge that they are not aware that they have COVID-19 or any associated signs or symptoms including a temperature above 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit, and that they have not been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. (Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for a period of 15 minutes or longer.)
All frequently touched surfaces and objects on the mobile dairy classroom are clean and disinfected.
Masks or face shields will be worn by our employees when social distancing cannot occur.
Our employees have been provided CDC and OSHA guidelines regarding:
What to do if they are symptomatic/test positive for COVID-19
What to do if they are in close contact with a person with COVID-19
Contact Tracing
Return-to-Work Protocol